Los fantasmas de Hellas (Vasili Polénov, 1905)
Теменос Нового Эллинизма / The Temenos of New Hellenism / Το Τέμενος του Νέου Ελληνισμού
Corinthian capital
Corinthian capital, perhaps some of the largest ever sculpted (2.5 metres high) of the destroyed Temple of Hadrian at Kyzikos (2nd c. AD).
The temple may have been dedicated to Zeus, 161 meters long, and it was supported by columns more than 21 metres tall!
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(Фридрих Ницше; цит. за: Галеви Д. "Жизнь Фридриха Ницше", Рига, 1991, с.57-58, 65, 71-72, 228).