Теменос Нового Эллинизма / The Temenos of New Hellenism / Το Τέμενος του Νέου Ελληνισμού
Menander strikes a heroic pose, chucking a spear on a silver drachm, circa 155-130 BC
Menander strikes a heroic pose, chucking a spear on a silver drachm, circa 155-130 BC. The most famous of the Indo-Greek kings, he is said to have conquered more tribes than Alexander the Great, and to have converted to Bhuddhism later in life
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(Фридрих Ницше; цит. за: Галеви Д. "Жизнь Фридриха Ницше", Рига, 1991, с.57-58, 65, 71-72, 228).